The Advanced Distribution Operations Interest Group aligns with the evolution of the distribution system’s operations in becoming multidirectional to optimize the grid for both the customer and the utility. As such, ADO includes the integration of demand side energy management (DSM) within distribution operations. The group focuses on technologies and system software (ADMS, OMS, DERMS, SCADA, and decentralized automation) that are essential for modernized grid operations and its evolving requirements, as well as DSM, including behind-the-meter DERs, beneficial electrification, and emerging technologies related to energy management.

Focus areas

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    Grid Operation with DER and with New Load Types at the Grid Edge
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    Distribution Automation Deployment Strategy
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    Organizational Transformation to Support Modernized Operation of the Grid
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    Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization
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    Electrification Strategy and Impact
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    Energy Affordability

This group is for

Distribution operations engineering managers, distribution engineers, planning managers, managers of utility distribution system control centers and OT/IT integration specialists
Technical Advisors
Ali Syed
Ali Syed
Power Quality

Dr. Ali Syed is a professional engineer (P.Eng.) with technical, project management, and R&D experience in utility standards, community energy benchmarking, building energy demand management, and renewable energy integration. In addition, Dr. Syed has extensive experience in designing advanced clean energy systems, greenhouse gas emission reduction, energy storage, electrification, low-carbon fuels, and energy conversion devices for the commercial, residential, and industrial sectors to promote safety, comfort, cost-effectiveness, sustainability, and net-zero emissions. Dr. Syed is actively involved in teaching and training industry professionals in engineering and energy management courses. In addition, he has given presentations at more than 50 conferences and symposia and published extensively in journals, books, and news media to educate public and private groups.

Top Resources
Consolidation of Legacy Operating Systems in the Utility Control Room
Business Transformation for Data Management in Modern Grid Operations
Monitoring the Operation of Mass Penetration Small Scale DER
Controlling the Operation of Mass Penetration Small-Scale DER
Intelligence that Empowers: Grid Edge Solutions Overview